Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life After High School

High school is all about how many parties you attend, the boyfriend you have or wish to have, and when the next pep rally is. Life after high school is not on the top of one’s priority list and it certainly wasn’t on mine, until the day came to apply for college.
            As I am sitting in my living room watching re-runs of Friends I casually begin to apply for various colleges. I run into a short personal essay about the person I am, what it is I stand for, and the person I want to be remembered for. I realize I know the answer to all of these questions and I am neither the person I want to be nor will I be remembered for anything concrete, unless I change what it is I stand for, the “mean girl” with not a glimpse of life after high school. I found myself with no time for family or responsibilities and how I treated others was unacceptable. That college essay question was a reality check, one that changed my life ever since. I slowly drifted away from my “friends” and the parties that once surrounded my life. What I found was even better. Rekindled friendships with what are now my 7 closest friends. All who are goal oriented, strong, independent young women with bright futures, and a head on their shoulders. Most importantly, they are good people. The kind of people who unknowingly make you the best person you can be. (word count 250)

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